Temirgaleev E. E. .so-library based "executable file" organization

  • Temirgaleev E. E. .so-library based «executable file» organization (bb-console-lin/Dev/Docu/en/ElfLinker-Link.odc) (pdf) — translator Khaliullin N. I.
    « Unlike DevLinker (for Windows), DevElfLinker can not make executable files. Executable file can be simulated by dynamic (.so) lib, containing all modules required for executable, and auxiliary starter file — minimal C-program. This method was suggested by one of OpenBUGS project [4] developers. The following is technically specified description, prepared with participation of A. Shiryaev. »

Forum topic: http://forum.oberoncore.ru/viewtopic.php?t=4089

Library, Temirgaleev E. E., Khaliullin N. I., BB

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